Human Transformation Study is a research field that explores the diversity of human change and transformation.
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・The Human Transformation Study (HTS) is a research field that explores
the diversity of changes and transformations throughout human life. In
addition to conducting studies on education from viewpoints of philosophy
and history of thought as theoretical research, we also conduct field researches
using methods such as interview, participation observation, and "Ethnometry"
as practical research.
・In FY2019, we attempted to measure and analyze the effects of practice at mother and child protection facilities and nursing homes using the newly developed "ethnometry method" for measuring behavior from the viewpoint of the practitioners. In the future, we plan to gradually expand the survey target while brushing up this measurement method.
30. April 2020: The site (English version) has been opened.
1. April 2020: The site (Japanese version) has benn opened.
March 2020: It was decided that the paper of Shunsuke Takada (Assistant Professor,
Joetsu University of Education), "Stimulation and Juvenile Education
Practice and" Educational" will be publisched in the 9th issue
of "Human Education and Well-being Studies" (Academic Journal
of Japanese Society of Education and Well-being).
March 2020: Nobuo Fujikawa's thesis, "Possibility of using Goffman's theory
for educational research and educational practice: Based on recent trends
in Goffman research" was published as "18th Series of Currently
Educational Research" in "The Japanese Journal of Educational
Research", Vol. 87, Issue 1.
November 2019: Nobuo Fujikawa's paper "Positioning Educational Philosophy
within Evidence-based Education: What Becomes Visible if We Refer Back
to Evidence-based Medicine?" was published in Vol. 120 of "Studies
in the Philosophy of Education" (Academic Journal of the Philosophy
of Education Society of Japan).